Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Should We Still Believe?

Why Should Christian Parents Pray For Their Children's With Downs Syndrome When No One Is Still Supernaturally Healed?

Question : Why do Christian parents with down syndrome babies and children pray for their recovery, and yet not one person has been ever healed of downs syndrome in the 20th and 21st centuries? Should we believe and live still?

Answer : Do not say that not even one person was healed of downs syndrome in the 20th and 21st centuries. How can you say that for sure. God might have healed someone and you might have never know it for sure. Without any sure evidence, you cannot say things like this as though you know it for sure. When God allows sickness, He will give grace to overcome
(2 Cor 12:9; 1 Cor 2:3; Gal 4:13-14). Paul the apostle never stopped praying until God said that He is not going to heal his sickness because without that a special grace will not be upon His life because of pride (2 Cor 12:7, 10). These are exceptional circumstances. Otherwise it is up to us to ask God and keep asking for healing until it shows up (Mark 5:34). There are times when God wants us to persistently pray and exercise faith for healing (Matt 15:21-28; Luke 18:1-8). Yet at other times He heals immediately even those who have not sought for it (John 5:6, 8-9, 13-14). Many times because of our lack of faith, healing may not happen as expected (Matt 17:17-21). So there are a lot of reasons for someone not getting healed, but expectantly we ought to keep praying and expect the Lord for healing because Jesus has promised that He is willing to heal all those who come to Him with faith (Matt 8:2-3). Because of one man's [i.e. Adam's] sin, sickness entered the world. So now because of one man's [i.e. Jesus'] righteous act, divine healing has been made available to all humans alike (Rom 5:12, 17-19; 6:23; Matt 8:16-17). Until we see healing come to our body, our attitude should be to praise Him and thank Him in faith (Matt 21:21-22; Php 4:6-7). If God wants to supply His grace for our good through our sickness (Rom 8:28), we should allow God to work through it for HIS GLORY! A person should display grace if not healed, which will work for His glory, or else keep praying by faith for healing. If nothing happens, we need to still keep trusting the Lord to praise and thank Him for giving us life and strength enough to carry on daily, thus keeping intact that faith God has already given us for healing. When nothing happens, it is important to persevere in faith. Remember, nothing but only faith can please God enough to make Him do things for us as a reward for our perseverance (Heb 11:6; 10:35-36). Faith is heaven's currency to buy heaven's divine riches. When nothing happens, do not be discouraged, check whether you have enough faith currency and if not go for it until you have enough. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17).

Down syndrome is a congenital disorder, caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome, in which the affected person has mild to moderate mental retardation, short stature, and a flattened facial profile. Also called trisomy 21. It is relating to a condition that is present at birth, as a result of either heredity or environmental influences. Of course it is a disease. God did not create disease and sickness, but lack of God's healing presence brought all kinds of ailments as a curse to mankind
(Luke 5:17). When sin entered the world through Adam's disobedience to God, sicknesses and diseases took control of humans and got multiplied in all the earth bringing death at the end of it (Rom 5:12; 6:23). But we know that there is a name given to us which is above all these names of diseases and sicknesses in all the earth, it is the name of JESUS that has the power to still heal any disease or sickness (Php 2:9-11; Acts 3:16). All we need to have is His name, faith in His name and the desire to appropriate the faith that comes through Him in order to receive perfect soundness in our body (Acts 3:16; 14:9). If in case we do not have enough faith, we can go to the elders of the Church and ask them to anoint us or the sick person who needs healing with oil, and make them pray the prayer of faith to receive the divine supernatural healing in the body. God has promised that a prayer of faith will save the sick person (James 5:13-15). What more we need? Even if we do not see healing, we must understand that it is better to live with faith and die, than to be miserable and die in unbelief. Faith brings great eternal reward while unbelief robs it away from us. For those whom God allows to continue with the trial of sickness or disease, they will receive a supernatural grace to be a blessing to many, which in God's sovereign perspective is better than healing when He wills it (2 Cor 12:9-10). So whether by life or death, our only desire should be to magnify Christ in our body (Php 1:20).

We do not believe based on our experience, we believe the word and expect a experience by faith. We were saved that way and also we can be healed that way because it is as easy for God to heal some one of their disease like as He forgives them of their sins
(Matt 9:5-6). Jesus has not changed one bit (Heb 13:8), the only difference is that He no more works physically like he did in the first century when He was on earth, but works with us and through us to supernaturally bring healings and miracles as we believe the word and boldly speak and declare over our circumstances to finally overcome it for HIS GLORY (Mark 16:20). As Jesus is sitting right now in heaven as a High Priest representing all believers before God, the Bible says to all believers to approach Jesus throne in heaven boldly through our prayer of faith to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of our need for healing (Heb 4:14-16). Always believe and pray to receive grace, then speak by faith and overcome all diseases and sicknesses that tries to threaten you (Matt 21:21-22). So may we not limit God with our unbelief anytime and cause grief to God who expects us to live by faith (Psa 78:31-33; 40-42; Heb 10:38).

Thanks and Blessings...


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